Meet the team


It All began with a Dream…

Hi, I'm Jodie Solomon, coach and owner of RISE Aerial.

After retiring from competitive gymnastics, I was looking for something to do that would continue to build on these foundations. Not long after, I found aerial silks and lyra… and just like that, the rest was history!

At RISE Aerial, we want to turn dreams into realities. From children to adults, our coaches are experienced, passionate, and excited to welcome you to RISE Aerial where they will have you flying through the air in no time!

Jodie Solomon

Co-Owner / Coach

Coach, performer, and proud owner of RISE Aerial. Jodie will make your dreams become a reality and soar to new heights! Jodie ensures that both young and old alike achieve amazing feats in a supportive, inclusive, and energetic class setting.




Gymnast, barista, coach, and Jodie’s little sister. Sarah has moved on from gymnastics to aerial acrobatics and loves the challenge. She prides herself in making people feel strong and capable, as they take to the air!


Puplick Relations

Serving part-time as Puplick Relations Manager, Izzie is the first to greet you at the door when she’s working. Izzie expects a high level of standard in everything she does – from her workplace to her home, nothing less than perfection will do.

Luke Solomon


Marketer, photographer, and co-owner of RISE Aerial. As Jodie’s husband, Luke ensures that everything on the back end is running smoothly and efficiently. He also assists with administrative tasks, online marketing, and runs photoshoots from time to time!